When I made public my genetic screening results, and began sharing my experiences in my Ms. Cheevious blog, vlog and on the Huffington Post, people began to ask about the details surrounding my BRCA2 genetic mutation and related surgeries. In 2010, my beloved sister lost a seven year battle with Ovarian Cancer which had ravaged her body and left an unrecognizable shell of a woman. I’ve spoken about it, conducted interviews and written about this, including my decision to get the genetic screening for breast and ovarian cancer as well as the related preventative surgeries. I’ve provided links to the most informative articles and videos below as well.
But I will say this: If you have a relative who has suffered breast or ovarian cancer (even lesser known skin, stomach, pancreatic or prostate cancer) my encouragement to you is to seek medical advice about obtaining the genetic screening for these diseases. (There is a gallery of various images from articles I’ve written here)
Now for those articles and videos…
The Doctors Television Show
If you missed my segment on the television show“The Doctors,”(original airdate Monday, Feb 13, 2012) you can see the video package they showed here.
You can see the entire episode here (Please let us know if this link becomes inactive)
BRCA Articles with Statistics, Etc
Below are helpful posts related to my BRCA2 Genetic Mutation journey, as talked about on “The Doctors” television show:
BRCA2 Articles on the Huffington Post:
MOST INFORMATIVE ==> We Are Way Too Sexy For Our Genes (Oct 2012)
What You Should Know About BRCA (Feb 2014)
BRCA2 Articles on Ms. Cheevious:
I’m Too Sexy for My Genes (2011) (this one is chock full of important information)
The Witty Post Surgery Holiday Blues (2011) (what to expect, on the “fluff” side)
My Phantom Ovary (2011) (a funny, light-hearted short blog post about losing your female parts)
Dear Ovaries: It’s Been Fun (2012) (oh, the fun continues)
BRCA Videos
BRCA Videos on “Enjoy Every Day With Lisa Jey” on Youtube
What They Don’t Tell You At School About Menopause – Orchids (Mar 26, 2012) – A fun video detailing what happens after having tubes and ovaries removed, and how it affects the female body. VERY informative.
What To Do About What They Didn’t Tell You (Mar 27, 2012) – An equally fun video detailing what can be done, once you are aware of what to expect as you age… so that you can age with grace and beauty.
Where There’s a Will There’s a Way (Oct 5, 2012) – With the Affordable Care Act hanging in the balance (at that time), and no certainty for medical care or health insurance, obtaining the follow up care I required was a challenge, but in the end, the words my dearly departed mother left with me, have resonated true: “Where There’s a Will There’s a Way.” You can make anything happen.
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