In which the need for 27 inches (inside joke – must read) far exceeds the need for a boyfriend, hubby, or otherwise… and it can seriously pull your attention away from your kids! BEWARE.
A child sobbed many years ago. You’ll want to know what happened next. This is a “reblog” from “Confessions of a Stay at Home Mom” – only I’ve changed this to reflect my sons and how I truly feel / felt about them every single day… While my sons are both grown, I […]
Strength & courage to do what is best for us doesn’t always come naturally. Sometimes we have to fake it to make it. amanky / / CC BY-NC-ND Are you a musician or performer, but don’t think you’ve got the chops to perform on stage? Do you long to? Then you may need to give yourself a good […]
A true lesson in thankfulness… As I sat at the light on the off ramp from the 10 West to come home… a little bell dinged in my beau’s car, signifying a problem. This was now car number 2 in our little family to have some sort of *problem.* It was the thermostat, and […]