Here’s to you, single mom! If you remember nothing else from this site, I hope you remember the above headline. Because your dreams can and will be realized, but only when you make the daring moves and take the risks necessary. And no one can make those things happen, or create the life you’ve always dreamed of but you. If you want it, you must (MUST) actually go for it! No one is going to run this show for you! Get that into your head right now!
Though your days may be filled with unending responsibility, and your nights are sleepless, you can do this.Keep getting up. Breathe in, and breathe out. Deeply. Keep smiling, keep creating, keep inspiring and keep bringing your best to every situation. Then watch as your dreams begin to unfold, when you put your “wow-determination” to work.
If you are a single mom, well, I think you are incredible, and I am honored to have been in your company for many of my adult years. And even as you feel exhaustion knocking at the door, and your kids’ needs seem so great – just breathe and do it all over again.
Here is an important tip: Take care of you! Require of yourself that you splurge once in a while (massage, favorite hobby, manicure, etc.). Make healthy food and lifestyle choices, as often as possible. Imagine (and constantly remind yourself) daily, that you are in a marathon, and a contender for the gold medal.
The reward? It’s threefold. 1) You’ll be well-rested, healthy and able to tackle life’s hurdles as they come, because of the much needed attention you’ve given yourself! 2) You’ll have the personal satisfaction of reaching your goals, because you’ve prioritized and taken care of what matters most, of course! 3) Probably the most important reason, is that you’ll have the priceless, precious love and admiration from your kids, loved ones, friends and family. They’ll never forget all that you’ve done and what you’ve accomplished. And that’s better than any gold medal, my friend!
I work with single ladies and single moms a lot, to help them find their pathway to living a life they LOVE. I call this “Finding your Mojo.” One quick way for you to discover your MOJO, is via a little eBook I’ve written (which I’m giving away free here) called “5 Ways to Rock Your Hollywood Mojo.” Now, don’t let the title confuse you. I know you probably don’t care about your Hollywood Mojo… or maybe you do! But, the 5 tips in this book are applicable for any job, any career pursuit, and most any social circumstance! I highly recommend starting there!
Then for those romantic pursuits, just remember your kids are first in line, and you’ll be good. Here are some tips for how to get in a good head space for dating.
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